Period Pain Testimonials Posted on March 23, 2021 (March 25, 2021) by Hugh Butler I found that my pain was reduced significantly and after taking the capsules for two cycles, my third cycle was not only less painful, but not as heavy and one day shorter. It was the first time I haven’t used any pain medication (on day 1-2) in years. I have a good back up supply of capsules and I hope to replicate this success in the months to come. Nic from AustraliaMy period sneaks up on me when I am taking the seaweed as my symptoms are so reduced. When it begins, it’s the first time in many years that I have actually been able to work/play/do whatever I would normally do! I stopped taking the seaweed to ensure that this was what was improving my symptoms. After one month with pain again, I will be ordering for as long as you are selling! Tiffany from Sydney, AustraliaMild Endometriosis. Before taking tablets, I would have pain 7/10 over 48 hours. Waking me if I did not take pain killers regularly. Reduced to a pain level of 3-4 out of 10 for 24 hours max and able to sleep through the night. No painkillers. Natasha Australia Period pain didn’t noticeably improve, however I didn’t experience the aching low back this month which I normally do. I also normally get arthritic pain in an old injury in my left foot that flares up with my period which didn’t make an appearance at all. Anon I have definitely noticed reduced severity and length of period pain since I started taking the seaweed Sarah from Victoria I’ve given myself three cycles to fully assess (as they differ in pain intensity), and will be in touch with a more proper analysis at the end of that time, but – on the second cycle I have noticed a significant reduction in pain, second being slightly worse than the first one (a full month after taking sea moss) but still nothing what I had experienced before. I’ve suffered from really painful (however varying) periods for years and the last two months have been DEFINITELY a lot better. The only thing stopping me singing on top of my lungs about sea moss and your product is just giving myself that extra time to properly assess and compare but so far it’s SO promising, the first thing in years that’s giving me hope I can permanently reduce period pain, which means so so so much. Quite frankly can’t see myself discontinuing. (Aside from pain, everything everyone’s said about stronger nails and hair – unbelievable!! the difference is quite staggering and very quickly visible, also, generally feel healthier and stronger, it’s the first January in years I haven’t felt exhausted or affected by SAD, I know it’s quite a general statement but I definitely feel better overall) So a thousand thank yous for your groundbreaking work! Anna from UKThe length of my period has noticeably shortened. I used to have around 5 days of very light bleeding before what felt like my proper period started. After just a week of taking only one tablet a day my period started slightly later and was a normal full period. It seems to be stopping after only 5 days instead of the usual 10-12 and I have had no period paid. I usually only have it for the first day or so but this time absolutely nothing! Vicki UKThe Seaweed has been a blessing. Last year I got a Copper IUD inserted and since then, I have had the most horrific period pain. It comes randomly even when I don’t have my period. It tears through and has once bought me to my knees in public. This seaweed has been a miracle. My pain has subsided and I’m more happy and back to being me instead of munching down a packet of painkillers every week! Thank you ???? Kat P AustraliaFor years, my periods have been so bad that I have been in immense pain, unable to move, sometimes losing consciousness, throwing up, unable to sleep, even with NSAIDs and a hot water bottle around the clock. Every month I factor in two days of non-work due to my period, and fortunately these two days fall on a weekend so I don’t miss too much work, but it is miserable. My first period after trying the seaweed capsules (every other day – I forgot to take them every day) was practically painless. The pain went from an 8-10 down to a 2-4, sometimes 0, and felt more like having an uncomfortably full bladder, or a dull ache, than the usual excruciating period pain. Amazing. Emma from Newcastle